What people are saying…

“I’ve worked with Amy across two organizations and missions, and I would ask for her help again.

She’s a brilliant strategist, brand and marketing expert, synthesizer of information and skilled writer — when added to a team taking on a big challenge, she’s a trusted advisor and Swiss Army Knife who adds value in multiple ways and works alongside a team with ease. And, never to be underestimated, Amy brings joy and commitment to the partnership and work — when she engages, she cares.”

— Armen Hratchian, Executive Director, Teach for America Detroit

“Amy is a smart, active listener who excels at drawing out ideas and themes.

She helped us shape a clear vision of who we currently are as a business and the direction we need to be moving. She has a talent at keeping the focus where it needs to be without losing sight of the big picture. I'm so glad that we decided to work with her.”

— Alan Mischler, CEO, Kiosk Group

“Amy has a remarkable talent for asking the exact thought-provoking questions we need to clarify our goals around a project. She is able to distill feedback from a wide variety of stakeholders and point out the essence of what she hears from different perspectives.

Amy is a natural strategic thinker. She views projects at both a broad scope and at the granular level. Amy has served as an invaluable consultant for Briya on a wide variety of projects, among them managing the development of storytelling videos, helping with the restructuring of a large department, and managing a key organizational partnership.

Amy jumps eagerly into any new project. She is proactive and keeps projects moving forward on schedule, while also understanding the need for flexibility. Amy has helped me clarify my own thoughts and goals. Her insights are nuanced and perceptive.”

— Christie McKay, Executive Director, Briya Public Charter School

“I feel so much more confident having done this brand and positioning work with Amy – it allows the organization to stand on its own. Our messaging was all scattered but now it's streamlined.

Our story made so much sense after Amy created it and really resonated with me. She knew exactly who we are and what we do. It's been so worth it – this is life-altering work. I see so many ways how this work translates to understanding yourself. This is very personal work; it's very integrated and would have been very different without Amy’s guidance. And it was fun!”

— Jason Avila, Executive Director, Wilmington Green Box

“Amy is an invaluable asset to me, our team, our organization, and the early childhood field. Amy brings precise and creative strategic thinking to our product positioning. Her ability to dig into complex products and initiatives and position them in an approachable, understandable way is truly remarkable.

In addition, her ability to listen to and synthesize the input of a wide variety of stakeholders, gaining their trust and buy-in for new and engaging ways of talking about products has proven incredibly useful – she was even able to step in and lead substantial strategic projects as an external consultant, during my recent parental leave. Amy is a true partner to me; I feel so fortunate to work alongside her in an effort to support children, families and professionals in early childhood education.”

— Danielle Rubin, Director of Marketing, Start Early

“Working with Amy over the last twelve years, I've experienced firsthand the transformative impact that having a thorough brand strategy in place can have in both driving mission forward AND exceeding bottom line goals.

I have worked with Amy on numerous brand and business strategy projects and in each case, her work has proven to deliver the foundations organizations need to grow for years to come. In addition to her keen strategic sense and unmatched focus, Amy brings a genuine interest and excitement to each project she takes on. Her contagious energy serves to inspire an elevated level of engagement from her partners.”

— Andrea Valentine, CEO, Valentine Consulting Group (Former President & COO, Teaching Strategies)

“Launching (and re-launching) products is stressful on its own but having Amy’s expertise and guidance makes the process enlightening if not enjoyable. She has a unique way of reminding you why you believed in your product in the first place.

Amy’s positive, can-do attitude is contagious as she gently keeps you on track, on time, and on point. It is not just her project management skills, it's her detailed (and unbiased) knowledge of the industry and product.

She knows what questions to ask, and how to identify which points are the most salient – resulting in a detailed actionable strategic plan for marketing and sales. Amy Houser is my go-to secret weapon for being confident and successful.” 

— Brenda Leger, Early Childhood Publisher and Advocate